Last week we had the opportunity to host a girl at our house from Moldova. I got a call on Thursday afternoon finding out that she needed a place to stay. Rodica told me that she was from Moldova and I hate to admit it, but I had no idea were that was. In my mind I was thinking it was "somewhere over there." Anyway, I have since learned that Moldova is located between the countries of Romania and Ukraine (see map). If you don't know where those countries are then you might need to brush up on some geography. Eliot, however, did know right where Moldova was and I was quite impressed. Afterall, he did serve a mission in Ukraine. In Moldova they speak Romanian, but also some Russian. Eliot was able to communicate well with Rodica because her Russian was better than her English. It was an interesting week with Rodica and kind of nice to have my own au pair for awhile. She helped me make dinner, watched the kids, cleaned, played with Madison and entertained Mitchell. Rodica did not really want to go home and Eliot said that he could understand why. The GDP in Moldova is US $381. Rodica did not have any opportunities to return home to. Eliot and I (mostly Eliot) convinced her to return home as she was considering staying even though her Visa was going to expire. She would have had a hard time making her way in the U.S. with no money, no connections and no papers. Rodica sent word that she is now back in Moldova safe and sound. I think it was fun for everyone to have a week of cultural exchange.
2 days ago
Maddy's looking so old!
i forgot to tell you how many memories your kitchen table brings back to me. it was like traveling back in time when we went there. good stuff! and cute kid! :)
good, now i don't feel as dumb for asking where that was, i had never heard of it either...i love how happy Madison looks.
I've honestly never heard of that place, but what a great experience for both Rodica and your family. I'm sure neither of you will ever forget it!
Madison looks so grown up in that photo! What a neat thing to have the kids introduced to another language(even if it is was just a few days). That was nice of you guys to let her stay.
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